The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Movie #7 - 8/14/2010

Challenge Number - 7/250
Date Watched 8/14/2010
Moleman's Rating - 9.1

The Dark Knight - Movie #6 - 8/16/2010

Challenge Number - 6/250
Date Watched - 8/16/2010
Moleman's Rating - 9.5

Schindler's List - Movie #5 - 8/19/2010

Challenge Number - 5/250
Date Watched - 8/18/2010
Moleman's Rating - 9.3

The Godfather - Movie #4 - 8/11/10

Challenge Number - 4/250
Date Watched - 8/10/2010
Moleman's Rating - 9.1

Taxi Driver - Movie #3 - 8/05/2010

Challenge Number - 3/250
Date Watched - 8/05/2010
Moleman's Rating - 7.2

Seven Samurai - Movie #2 - 7/31/2010

Challenge Number - 2/250
Date Watched - 7/31/2010
Moleman's Rating - 7.5

It's taken me awhile to post some more reviews, but trust me I've been watching the movies. I'm not watching them in order, but will post the reviews in the order in which I watch them. 

Seven Samurai was available to watch instantly on Netflix so without further a do here is my review.

This flick is ranked #15 of all time by IMDb users. However, there are less than 100,000 users votes as opposed to over 500,000 for Shawshank Redemption the first movie I reviewed. It was produced in 1954. I'm thinking that the people who ranked this movie maybe were more interested in foreign films or historically significant films.

I found the film to be enjoyable, but definitely not in my top 20. I often watch movies while working on projects (graphic design work on my book - emails - sending out applications for work), but was hoping to try and give my full attention to the movies on this list. However, at over three hours long and with subtitles I found myself drawn to work on other things. 
Sami appreciated that I watched most of the movie in the kitchen while working on doing the dishes and cooking dinner...but I'm not sure that's a great sign for the movie. Don't get me wrong there were some classic moments, great story development, and some fantastic characters.

I laughed often and I can see why in 1954 it was nominated for two Oscars, but because of the fact that I didn't find it enthralling it lost a few points. I've learned that the movies I enjoy the most are high paced thrillers that make you think - this one just didn't fit into my favorites. I would however recommend it to my friends and think that watching this movie illustrated why I am happy to be doing this challenge. I think that by watching these movies that I wouldn't normally pick to watch I'm expanding my horizons.

More to come - 248 to be exact.

The Shawshank Redemption - Movie #1 - 7/28/2010

Challenge Number - 1/250
Date Watched - 7/28/2010
Moleman's Rating - 9.8

Well the members of IMDb are super freaking smart. This has been my all time favorite movie for years. This movie was available to watch instantly on Net Flix (as well as about 60 other flicks).

The love of my life Sami had never seen this movie!! Can you belive it?? So I started off this challenge the best way I know how - with her cuddled up next to me. (I've decided that even if I've seen the flick before I have to rewatch it within the year time frame for my challenge).

One of the reasons that I love this movie is because of how great it is to watch people react who are watching it for the first time (if you can find them). It was no exception with Sami and she definitely really enjoyed it.

I've seen the movie at least twenty times and it wasn't until writing these reviews that I learned that the movie is based a short story by Stephen King called "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption".

In my opinion it was both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman best film. And that is saying a lot because Morgan Freeman was also terrific in the movie Se7en (which I'll review later) - released the year after Shawshank.

Well, since I've got 249 more of these to go in the next year I'll keep them short. And here is a random photograph from my collection as promised.